Interview Skills

We can comprise the skills required for the interviews in 4 A's:
1. Aptitude - Quickness in learning.
2. Attitude - Behaviour.
3. Aplomb - Self-Confidence.
4. Agiotaging Information - Communication

Aptitude skills are required to overlook a person's analytical skills, logical skills, Quantitative skills.

Why Aptitude test is substantial during recruitment?
These Aptitude test will let the HR's know how rapidly you can grasp things.

Example for Aptitude skills:
1. What is the number of zeros at the end of the product of the numbers from 1 to 100?
ans : 127
Gendral Tips to get through Aptitude round:
1) Read the questions and understand it cautiously.
2) Allot time for every individual questions according to the stipulated time.
3) Dont involve in huge calculations for a single problem.

Attitude Skills are judged during aptitude round and also in Gendral HR round.
"Body Language Express more about you than you"
Body Language constitute of:
1) Facial Expressions
2) Gestures
3) Postures
4) Eye Contact
5) Emotions, Feelings
GD Round
Example for GD Topic: Brain Drain
Comment About Brain Drain:

Tips to get through GD Round:

1) If you are more intensive about the topic given to you, Then Initiate First.

2) While Initiating you need to introduce yourself, and your team.

3)Start recklessly and dont deviate.

4) If you din't clear about the topic, sit back relax and listen to the viewpoints cast by others,

jot it down , then start to fling off your viewpoints.

5) The person who initiate first should be consider as a "Leader or Organiser" of that team.

so Be Careful.

6) Intiator's Leadership qualities have been examined during GD.

7) Place your points in an audacious manner.

Gendral Behavioural Skills:

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